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Book: Discrete Systems Simulation




Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Release Date: February 1994

P/N: 034533-3, ISBN: 0-07-833302-4

    This book presents the fundamental issues in computer simulation in a simple and practical way for those who wish to successfully apply the simulation technique in their real-world problems. All major stages involved in the simulation process including, system realization, modeling, data collection, analysis of results, verification, and validation are discussed. The reader does not need to have prior computer programming skill to understand and utilize this book.

    The major merits of the book lie in its broadness, simplicity, and unique approach to the coverage of generic (tool-independent) concepts. Among other advantages, these merits enable the readers to easily learn, evaluate, and apply various available simulation tools.

    To provide an effective learning tool which can be used in hands-on exercises and in building realistic simulation models, a new simulation software tool, EZSIM, which is designed by the author, accompanies the book. EZSIM is a powerful general-purpose simulation tool which does not require programming and offers many useful features including animation.

    Numerous application scenarios in service as well as manufacturing industries have been described and modeled using EZSIM, and the models are included in the accompanying diskette. These models may be easily altered to fit specific application scenarios.

Technical Publications

Over 200 refereed technical publications



Over 100 US and international patents.

An intelligent discrete event simulation modeling environment with visual modeling and event animation capabilities. Numerous application examples of EZSIM in service as well as manufacturing industries may be found in Discrete Systems Simulation textbook. The downloadable zip file includes numerous models described in the textbook. [Chief Programmer: Dr. Qing-Mei Chen]
Download EZSIM


Factory Schedule Show is a Windows based software which provides a graphical and dynamic demonstration of factory operations schedule and machine loads. FSS also has capablilties to show the relevant statistical data and performance measures. [Chief Programmer: Dr. Wei Tan]
Read more and Download FFS


A Computer aided design system for layout of circuit boards based on hybrid optimization techniques with CAD graphics capability. The software was developed with the financial and technical support of Xerox Corporation. [Chief Programmer: Dr. Vedran Mornar]


A generic optimal cutting stock system with advanced graphics features. [Chief Programmer: Dr. Vedran Mornar]

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